Change takes Time

Change takes Time

I have been doing a bit of reading lately about the shifts happening in the energy all around us. Much of what I am reading is very new to me and at times I get frustrated with myself when I simply do not “get it” right away. Yet as I keep reading I begin...

We have been mislead everyone!

To all of you who suffer from the curse of “perfectionism”… you have been mislead!  Myself included! Since as long as I can remember, I have found myself beating myself up about projects that are not as good as I’d envisioned or times where I...

Reminders of Special Memories

Today has been a very interesting day. Several messages and confirmations revolving around Mystic Bliss and my direction, especially where getting to press is concerned, have been coming in. It seems to have been the result of several things. First off…...

Power in Numbers: not a new idea

Pledges and Patrons such as those now connected to crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter are certainly not a new idea. Creative works were funded this way for centuries. It was not only the large patrons that kept the works of Mozart, Beethoven, Whitman, Twain, and...

More than one basket

         Recently I shared this image on my personal social media page and explained that I had started to learn the value of diversifying my efforts when working on something. The reason for the comment, and now this blog, is the fact that I have become very aware of...

Resistance is the key to lift

Ok I know this title does not make sense yet but bear with me as I tell you how this concept hit me like a ton of bricks the other day while I was walking to get to a meeting. I spotted a pure white feather on the ground and, at first, was going to just walk past it...
The “Squirrel!!” effect

The “Squirrel!!” effect

  I am guilty of a personal weakness I call The squirrel Effect… this is when I start on a direction or project and get distracted by something else and go off track a little while. Like a cat responding to a laser pointer. It has been my belief that, for the...
The power of Intent

The power of Intent

This afternoon I was chatting with a dear friend who was, like many of us do from time to time, experiencing a bit of a crisis about his purpose and direction. It always amazes me that he doubts his gifts the way he does as he is the warmest and most gentle man I know...
Monopoly No More

Monopoly No More

Recently I was speaking to my students about the trend in this current society revolving sharing and networking as part of the way we do business. At one time, the trend was dramatically more towards secretive practices and sources and an “every man for...