Our Blog
Enjoy this space for the insights and thoughts that are presented here for your further education and awareness.
Out with the old year and what it held… with gratitude
It has been a little while since I could say that I woke up in the morning with a smile. But that is what happened this morning. Even the air feels lighter the last few days. The truth is I am still not sure just what the trigger was since things seem to be shifting...
Running on Light
Initially I was going to call this post "Running on Empty" since it was a better conventional description of the feelings I have been having around my shift in awareness. However it is not really an empty feeling... simply, and beautifully, a lighter one. As per...
Ripples: Quiet Influences
Each one of us has felt the distinct impact of powerful life events , those kicks in the derriere that propel us out of our complacency and get us moving forward. These events may be originally difficult in nature but not always. Sometimes it is a change in your...
More please.
Today I received a chainmail item that spoke about the good Karma I would receive if I passed it on to 5 people. For a few seconds, I was hesitant to even accept that I deserved any more good things in my life than what I have been blessed with already but then I...
Happiness Habit
Each day is a gift. There is so much to be said for the way we look at each situation and the choices we make about how these are affecting us. Sometimes it is easier to allow ourselves the luxury, and of course I use this term very lightly, of negative energy when...
11:11 magic
Many of you have likely heard of the whole 11:11 make a wish concept but many of you may not have. It is not something new however it is definitely something I have been doing nearly unconsciously for quite some time. I love the number 11 as it just seems to be a...
Glowing Embers of Joy
It really is time to fan those embers and spark up some glorious energy within your heart. This is especially true if you feel you have been "asleep" way too long. Last post I made under the coaching pages spoke about doing things a bit out of character and the...
Who are you?
It seems to me recently that many of us have been living hidden even from ourselves. Let me share why I have come to this idea. Recently I had a few opportunities come my way and most of these I approached the same way I have most of my life. There was caution,...
What is your “gold” content?
It is my firm belief that the bumps and scars of life are what makes each of us valuable. Our experiences and lessons along the way may have left us a bit tattered feeling, and maybe a bit rougher around the edges, yet it is these very things that enhance the depth...
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