Mystic Monday for March 9, 2015

Mystic Monday for March 9, 2015

It was recently decided that a new series of posts specific to card readings and Mystic would begin today and continue on regular Mondays and would from now on be known as Mystic Monday. Welcome to the first of likely many Mystic Monday posts. This week I will feature...
Mystic Monday for March 9, 2015

Card Reading for Thanksgiving Day 2014

Canadian Thanksgiving that is. We all have things to be thankful for and at this time we celebrate those things. Gratitude and thankfulness creates positive energy and it is what we do during this time of positive energy to direct it that makes the difference. The...

Warning! Growth in progress

The last few days have been quite interesting with the repeated messages about growth. Conversations I have been having with a variety of people always seem to lead to talk about how much growth has taken place for them, how much growth and change they have observed...

Oct 3rd 2014 Card Reading

The last few days have been filled with many requests for card readings and lately they seem to be from people with no specific question just seeking reminders. This is why today I have been guided to just pull cards for this post without any conscious question in my...
Change takes Time

Change takes Time

I have been doing a bit of reading lately about the shifts happening in the energy all around us. Much of what I am reading is very new to me and at times I get frustrated with myself when I simply do not “get it” right away. Yet as I keep reading I begin...