Behind the Mystic veil

Behind the Mystic veil

I have had a lot of requests to share some of the fun, interesting and unusual stories behind the images in my cards. As an answer to this I have decided to blog now and again about the “behind the scenes” of the making of Mystic. Today I am focusing on the “I am...
Week 4 Card Reading

Week 4 Card Reading

The choice of the cards took a strange turn this time. As is my habit, I used the jumper method (what cards pop out when shuffling while holding the question in mind become my pick) and right away 2 cards came out together in the first pass… then nothing else… even...
No Apologies Needed

No Apologies Needed

The other day I picked up my journal and was initially going to write something akin to an apology in it because I had missed a few days as far as entries were concerned. But then it came to me… There is a reason I keep a journal and it would be silly for me to feel...
Gift of Kindness

Gift of Kindness

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. -Lao Tzu The most amazing thing that has come to my awareness the last few years is how generous and kind people are by nature. I notice this more and...
Thank You

Thank You

As I am already gaining new support for this project at this early stage of my campaign to get to press with Mystic Bliss Empowerment Cards, it seemed VERY important to me to mention those who have been there for me up till now. I do not want to ever have them feel...