As I am already gaining new support for this project at this early stage of my campaign to get to press with Mystic Bliss Empowerment Cards, it seemed VERY important to me to mention those who have been there for me up till now. I do not want to ever have them feel like I have forgotten them. It is their support and belief in me that has been fundamental in having the project get to this amazing new milestone.
Even my cat Bastett wants in on the action… not much help but makes me smile
My children are the 1st on my list of course. Not only did they model for me and watch the process of this work for so many years they also had to put up with LOTS of sparkles and glitter and fabric cluttering up the kitchen and livingroom more often than I can count. Plus there was one time when my son came up to tugged on my arm so I would bend down and he whispered in my ear “Mommy, why is there a man in his underware in our kitchen?” Oh my what I put my children through (they seem ok now as young adults, none too worse for it lol) I love you Theresa and Joey!
I have so many models to thank without whom this would not have happened but especially my nieces and nephews who patiently put up with paint in their hair, treks around poison ivy infested forests and posing in the snow… Thank you Sylvia, Taulea, Amy, Gill and Micheal. I can not list all the models by name because of the sheer volume but 2 stand out for me that I have to acknowledge… Danny and Dane from Europe who where my hosts and guides when in England as well as amazing models and inspiration. Thank you for helping me believe!
As for supporters in financial means and service… wow.. where do I start…
Matt Ramos

Christian LeBlanc

Angela LaFontaine

Bruce Meyer

Luke Crocker

Colin Sherif Ghannam

David Eardley

Ryan Jennett

Andree Miller (My mom.. big HUGS!)
and about 100 more lol… I know if I try to list I will forget someone and if I do list I will bore EVERYONE 😉
So I will just say…
So many people have already ordered cards and shared so much positive talk about me… before this campaign even… thank you for everything. Glad you have all stayed with me for this ride.
So I think that the very important thing to bring across in this post is my gratitude. It is the foundation that you all helped to build that is making this next level of accomplishment happen. My heart and soul thank you!