August 24th Mystic Card Reading

August 24th Mystic Card Reading

As summer comes to an end, we look to the potential of completing some of the tasks we set for ourselves at the start of this season. The cards pulled for this week’s reading stand as a testament to this I think in as much as they remind us to relax in knowing...

11:11 magic

Many of you have likely heard of the whole 11:11 make a wish concept but many of you may not have. It is not something new however it is definitely something I have been doing nearly unconsciously for quite some time. I love the number 11 as it just seems to be a...
August 17th Mystic Card reading

August 17th Mystic Card reading

Welcome back to Mystic Monday readings for the week of August 17th. My apologies for the lack of post last Monday and today’s delay. Seems technology has presented a few challenges for me the last few days. Regardless of the delays, this week’s reading is...
Glowing Embers of Joy

Glowing Embers of Joy

It really is time to fan those embers and spark up some glorious energy within your heart. This is especially true if you feel you have been “asleep” way too long. Last post I made under the coaching pages spoke about doing things a bit out of  character...
Who are you?

Who are you?

It seems to me recently that many of us have been living hidden even from ourselves. Let me share why I have come to this idea. Recently I had a few opportunities come my way and most of these I approached the same way I have most of my life. There was caution,...