Special Anniversary

Special Anniversary

  Today, November 4th, marks the 28th year of the birth of my beautiful daughter Theresa. The number of blessings she has brought to my life are countless. Her confidence and determination inspire me and I know for a fact that this is something she does for so...
Overcoming Barriers

Overcoming Barriers

 The one thing I get asked on a regular from my students and people in my workshops is how to overcome creative blocks. One of the tools I find helpful is visual cues. As human beings we are all, to some degree or another, stimulated by the visual aspects of our...
Thank You

Thank You

As I am already gaining new support for this project at this early stage of my campaign to get to press with Mystic Bliss Empowerment Cards, it seemed VERY important to me to mention those who have been there for me up till now. I do not want to ever have them feel...


Remembering my journey to sacred lands Today I have plans to Skype with a dear friend in Europe. He was one of my hosts and guides on my last European trip as well as my model for the I AM BELIEF card. In anticipation of this cyber visit with Danny, I reflect back to...

I Believe!

I often get asked what inspired me to start creating faerie images for so many years. There is not really a simple answer to this question as my perception of those early days and how I was motivated has shifted in retrospect. I used to believe that my love of...