Free Mystic Empowerment Messages
Starting August 2018, the format for the free messages has changed from typed to video. Enjoy this new format and remember, even if the date on the message is older, the time it arrives to you is the right time.
Intention Setting ~ Card Reading Video
Please enjoy the first of the videos created for the weekly Mystic Empowerment messages series. The theme for the week of July 29th till August 4th was Intention Setting. It is important to empower yourself by listening in a more attentive way to your inner guidance....
Mystic Monday Dec 7 2015
Card for the week of December 7th, 2015 I am Wisdom "Each Day is a New Opportunity to Grow" Gaining deep wisdom is not reserved for the old and wizened and may be achieved much earlier. Slow down your pace. Allow yourself the luxury of reflective observation no matter...
Mystic Monday November 9th
Card for the week of November 9th, 2015 I am Belief “Unconditional Love is Stronger than Fear” This is the time to dream big and to believe that anything is possible. The light and love within you is the energy source that propels you towards ultimate success. Faith...
Mystic Monday November 2nd 2015
NOTE ~ As mentioned, the format for Mystic Mondays has changed from a multi card reading to a more simple and pointed message of one card. The multiple card readings can now be found in The Mystic Muse monthly newsletter. The single card posts each Monday will feature...
Mystic Monday October 26, 2015
NOTE ~ As mentioned, the format for Mystic Mondays has changed from a multi card reading to a more simple and pointed message of one card. The multiple card readings can now be found in The Mystic Muse monthly newsletter. The single card posts each Monday will feature...
Mystic Monday October 19, 2015
NOTE ~ As mentioned a short while ago, the format for Mystic Mondays has changed from a multi card reading to a more simple and pointed message of one card. The multi card draw will happen now in The Mystic Muse monthly newsletter. The single card posts each Monday...
September 14th Mystic Monday Reading
Weekly Mystic Monday card reading below. Special notification : Starting next Monday,the Mystic Monday weekly card reading will be changing in format to a single card each week. This is to allow me to do more with the weekly card readings including adding a quote from...
August 31st Mystic Monday
Please note that Mystic Monday Card Readings will be changing after September 15th. The 3 card spread you are used to seeing each week will soon be a featured item on the upcoming monthly newsletter "The Mystic Muse". Going forward, Mystic Monday readings in the blog...
August 24th Mystic Card Reading
As summer comes to an end, we look to the potential of completing some of the tasks we set for ourselves at the start of this season. The cards pulled for this week's reading stand as a testament to this I think in as much as they remind us to relax in knowing all is...
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