by Colette Mesdag | Sep 26, 2018 | Where are they now
Over the years I have had the pleasure to have a few of my photography students in front of my lens for Mystic Bliss Empowerment Cards. This young lady is one. I love the way I was able to surprise her the day she met with me to get into costume and head to the...
by Colette Mesdag | Sep 8, 2018 | Weekly Card Readings
Please enjoy the first of the videos created for the weekly Mystic Empowerment messages series. The theme for the week of July 29th till August 4th was Intention Setting. It is important to empower yourself by listening in a more attentive way to your inner guidance....
by Colette Mesdag | Jan 13, 2017 | Blog
It has been a little while since I could say that I woke up in the morning with a smile. But that is what happened this morning. Even the air feels lighter the last few days. The truth is I am still not sure just what the trigger was since things seem to be shifting...
by Colette Mesdag | Dec 7, 2015 | Weekly Card Readings
Card for the week of December 7th, 2015 I am Wisdom “Each Day is a New Opportunity to Grow” Gaining deep wisdom is not reserved for the old and wizened and may be achieved much earlier. Slow down your pace. Allow yourself the luxury of reflective...
by Colette Mesdag | Nov 9, 2015 | Weekly Card Readings
Card for the week of November 9th, 2015 I am Belief “Unconditional Love is Stronger than Fear” This is the time to dream big and to believe that anything is possible. The light and love within you is the energy source that propels you towards ultimate success. Faith...