Today I received a chainmail item that spoke about the good Karma I would receive if I passed it on to 5 people.
For a few seconds, I was hesitant to even accept that I deserved any more good things in my life than what I have been blessed with already but then I thought: Who am I to say I do not deserve more? If the Universe chooses to grant me more blessings, who am I to say no?
To the outside world, it may seem questionable on the surface that I have actually been as blessed as I claim since my current financial situation has its perceived challenges. Still, I do feel blessed.

Only 2 limited edition Mystic Bliss Empowerment Deck left. Claim your deck.
Abundance and good karma do not have to be measured in monetary possessions, you see. I have amazing abundance because I have a wonderful family and tremendously supportive friends who have always seen in me the things I sometimes forget to recognize in myself, I have the joy of a budding new relationship and I am living in passion for the projects I have taken on with Mystic and my writing. If I lost it all right now I would still be satisfied that I have done as I have been guided to do and that my existence has impacted others in a positive way. That is my abundance.
Like the late great Dr Wayne Dyer said so eloquently… do not die with your song still inside you.
Those of us familiar with him know that Wayne most definitely sang his song for so many of us to hear and I am deeply grateful to this kind and generous soul who so recently left his body for all his teachings. His words will continue to inspire me and to remind me to be grateful for all my blessings. My Mystic work exists in part because of his words. Mystic is my song and I was inspired to create the first deck and those that are now following. Mystic is my BLISS.
By the way, if you have never seen his movie “The Shift” I highly recommend you take advantage of this free viewing of it, a special gift from Hay House for the next few days.
But I digress…
It is not always easy to recognize the blessings in out lives because they may be disguised as lessons but if you are open to just allowing and being easy with yourself in your progress you will see them. They will not be ignored easily when the time is right.
I haven’t passed on that chainmail item I received today directly per say but feel that, in speaking my thoughts about it here on my coaching blog for this week, I am actually passing it on to even more than the 5 people the note suggested. I am ready for whatever abundance this will generate for me.
So repeat after me:
Yes! Universe I will accept more good things! I choose to be open to whatever you deliver to me to experience as I know now that it is these experiences that make me a larger light for others.
Go find your spark!
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