Remembering my journey to sacred lands

Today I have plans to Skype with a dear friend in Europe. He was one of my hosts and guides on my last European trip as well as my model for the I AM BELIEF card. In anticipation of this cyber visit with Danny, I reflect back to my journey to England in August 2012.

At that time I was blessed with a very sudden shift in my financial situation through a small crowdfunding campaign and the help of friends and family allowing me to travel to England for my Empowerment Card project.

I found myself standing at the base of the Glastonbury Tor capturing images that felt more magical for me than any previous that I can now fully remember. It was as if the land was directing my choices for the work being done. I felt guided and supported in my work and dreams to successfully manifest this deck. Sharing this with two amazing friends made it even better.

For a few days that summer, I traveled to places so sacred to me that I still feel like I must glow from the energy I gained from being there anytime I bring these memories forward. I still feel so grateful to have had the honor to capture Mystic Bliss image to complete my deck in these places. I can still hardly believe the magic of it all as I sit and write this.

The Tor and Chalice Well in Glastonbury as well as the standing stones at Avebury still call to me as if inviting my return. Someday soon I will go back. In the meantime I have wonderful memories of my very first trip to England and the people I spent time with there.

My lovely hosts and companions on my quest, and yes it has long ago proven to be a very deep personal quest, cannot be thanked deeply enough for their love and assistance. I have tried many times to express my deep gratitude and although I know they know the important role they played I still wish to say it here again: Dane and Danny you are the most amazing two people I have had the pleasure to share time with and in looking back over those few days I can’t imagine now doing this trek without you. Blessings to you both and my love always. Thank you for being a part of my life as well as my cards. (Indeed you are both such beautiful models)

I also wish to thank many more people who have supported my project in the last few years. Your patience is appreciated. I will be doing more formal thanks here in the next few days. This new blog is perfect for this kind of acknowledging of how much everyone who has helped me along the way will never be forgotten. You are all part of the magic inherent in the intent of the creation of these cards.