I am Strength 4x6NOTE ~ As mentioned a short while ago, the format for Mystic Mondays has changed from a multi card reading to a more simple and pointed message of one card. The multi card draw will happen now in The Mystic Muse monthly newsletter. The single card posts each Monday will feature an excerpt from the guidebook as well as a small elaboration on it specifically for that week.

Card for the week of October 19, 2o15

I am Strength

“Power Comes from Within”

~ There is no limit to the power of the Infinite “I Am” when you are able, and willing, to reach within to the Source.

Be open to the Truth that strength comes from pulling from your core filling your heart so you may access the resources and will you need in order to move forward. No need to stay stuck!

Suggested Practice
Look back on the times you faced challenges and triumphed. Even if you had help in those successes from Guides and Teachers and Healers you still had to be the one to choose to listen, ask and accept. See your own strength and courage in each of these wins and move yourself to your own power by choice.

There is no such thing as “too late” or “wrong” as everything is as it should be, when it should be. Real power and strength comes from accepting that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and that is Now!
(from Mystic Bliss, A Gentle Reminder and Guidebook)


Insights ~ The foundation of this message is that we all have the power to become our own “guru”. There is a belief that we need to distrust what our gut tells us, that for some reason it should be suspect. I do not think this is true… it is my firm belief that we all have an inner intuitive compass that has the ability to point the way and lead us in the right direction.

When we trust this “knowing” we are listening to our authentic self. This does not mean we discard logic and rational thought but it does mean we can start to release our very learned beliefs that only rationality and facts can be valuable in decision making.

Strength comes from within. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a fact. This week I am being guided to suggest that you take stock of the times your intuition and gut reaction to a situation has helped you and maybe even saved you from making serious mistakes. Compare this to those times you have ignored those “feelings” and found yourself in a position of personal distress. When the tally is made, what conclusion do you come to?

Do you indeed, as I suspect, have deeper skills and knowing than you may have given yourself credit for before? Would you choose to trust this compass a bit more in the future and therefore empower yourself to deeper confidence and easier decision making?

My wish for you this week is that you begin to see your personal strength more clearly.

Be light,
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