Card for the week of December 7th, 2015
I am Wisdom
“Each Day is a New Opportunity to Grow”
Gaining deep wisdom is not reserved for the old and wizened and may be achieved much earlier.
Slow down your pace. Allow yourself the luxury of reflective observation no matter what stage of life you find yourself in at this moment.
Grow each day in depth and control.
Suggested Practice
To become the person and visionary you are intended to be you must look upon all that has happened, is happening and will happen as an opportunity to grow in wisdom. Everything that you have gained along the way is part of the depth of your soul. Acknowledge this truth and you will grow in leaps and bounds and your life and living will reshape itself automatically. Make it your intent and it will become your reality. (from Mystic Bliss, A Gentle Reminder and Guidebook)
It seems to me that this card is a lovely way to begin this week. It serves as a reminder that you must seize each day and touch the marvelous beauty each moment holds. As we slow down it seems easier and easier to look for the lesson in each obstacle and challenge however I know that there are still times we all struggle with the understanding of why we are receiving so many “lessons” at times.
The trick is to be gentle with yourself and those around you. Be wise in how you approach any situation or conflict. If you take the steps to attempt to grow each day and look for the delight in each moment you will indeed grow wise.
During the past week the world has experienced some upheavals. I can not fail but notice the shifts in energy in those around me… some for the positives knowing there is a need to heal and change while caring for those affected and some people attaching themselves to the fear and pain of these experiences and looking for answers. I do not see either as wholly right or wrong but simply how everyone copes in different ways. For me there is hope in the pain.
Historically, those moments in time that shock us into awareness on any level are those times that precede deep change. I expect that that powerful images and words that have touched so many of us recently will inspire deep healing that will radiate outwards, subtlety at first but gaining power as it moves along. Too many of us are awakened now to not have the capacity to initiate positive action and movement in the world.
I do not know what form this healing will take, nor do I know when it will reveal itself… I just trust that it will come. I feel this in my depths. I trust in my inner wisdom and know it grows steadily as I put faith in it. Look to your own inner wise sage and feel yourself grow lighter and clearer. There is always hope if you believe.
Be Light and shine,
NOTE ~ The format for Mystic Mondays has changed from a multi card reading to a more simple and pointed message of one card. The multiple card readings can now be found in The Mystic Muse monthly newsletter. The single card posts each Monday will feature an excerpt from the Mystic Bliss, A Gentle Reminder guidebook as well as a small elaboration on it specifically for that week.