Interviews, Features and Appearances
Epiphanies Episode 2
Colette Mesdag, Intuitive Guide, creator of the Mystic Empowerment Card series. She is dedicated to assisting those needing physical, emotional and spiritual answers through images and words. Past Curator of Visibility Unseen Awareness Exhibition – David Busby Centre.
The Creating Odyssey
Colette Mesdag puts Barrie’s needy in a different light
Visibly Unseen Exhibit opens eyes at Innisfil’s ideaLab
Other Notable Appearances
Keynote – “Touch the Unicorn” Tapping into your creativity, Professional
Photographers of Ontario, Western Branch, 2008 Keynote
Professional Photographers of Ontario Central Portrait Branch, 2009
Curator – Visibly Unseen March 2011, April 2013 and August 2013
I have used Colette’s mystic cards for my business and live Facebook videos for 2 years now. Her talent captures the phenomenal artistic abilities she has and her intuitive messaging she holds within her heart. Her content is powerful and I highly recommend her cards and intuitive messaging to anyone looking for a guide.