NOT available in stores

NOT currently available in stores

Since it was not in the cards (pardon the pun) to go to press as hoped this past spring I had to restructure a few of my plans.

Part of this restructuring involved planning for a smaller press run than originally factored in and coming up with creative ways to get my cards into the hands of folks who really wanted something sooner rather than later.

The first, as mentioned in an earlier post, has been the generating of a Silver Series Limited Edition Deck of which only 25 will be produced.

These are personally hand crafted using 88 photographs, 44 different card files and 44 back of card, created for the deck. Glued by hand and trimmed individually, these special decks have been selling for $100. Three of these decks have been used in raffles to generate funds and additional exposure for this project as well. These decks are numbered and come with a signed certificate of authenticity. Right now 9 decks are in circulation and being used for readings by some very talented people. I am getting very positive feedback. Only 16 of these remain to be purchased. Originally I though to call these the Platinum series but decided on the “Silver Series” in homage to the fact that photographic printing once required a chemical reaction with silver halide crystals on an emulsion.

Hand crafted Limited Edition Decks

Hand crafted Limited Edition Decks with signed cardNumbered Decks

Folks who have invested in this Silver Photo Stock Edition have also received a PDF version of the Guidebook. Once Mystic Bliss has gone to press, a hard copy of the Guidebook will be made available to them. To date I have been putting these decks in the lovely blue satin bags hand made by Sherri, a dear friend and long time fan of my photography, however I only have one of these left. Going forward those ordering these decks will get to choose between a gossamer or embroidered bag such as those shown in the image below.
Bag options with Silver Edition

The second series will be a Gold Edition… you guessed it… gold leaf, gold seal and special certificate and labeling with the edition number in gold tones. One hundred of these will be produced on card stock and 35 are already spoken for to fill the advanced orders I currently have from long-time supporters and my earliest backers in gratitude for their patience. These will retail at $44 going forward.
Gold Edition 1st prototype

I have been playing with box/packaging designs for this. It is my intention to set this edition further apart from the other two and this image shows what I have so far that is possible at the price point I have set. I expect that I will be using lables and clear boxes. Comments are welcomed. The Booklet for these will be printed in the larger 5×7 size through a “print on demand” service I have found and the cards will be in a gossamer bag.

The third series is the Copper Edition Decks and will feature a special logo that will not be used in future large print runs. I have been informed that collectors prefer no ISBN numbers  and I think this is a good way to honour those helping my project along at this early stage. ISBN stickers will be created should any stores wish to purchase in bulk early on however only 150 of these numbered Copper Edition Decks will be available regardless. These will retail at $25.00

conceptual idea only and subject to change

conceptual idea only and subject to change

Currently, I am  researching the cost of a die cut tuck top box with full colour imprinting however this design may be adjusted to a sticker of the box design on a white box if it is impossible to do a short run of printed boxes. At the time of writing this I am still waiting for a couple of quotes. Regardless of the outside of the box, the 44 cards and 3×5 size guidebook will be quality printing.

For the time being, the only way to obtain a deck from any of these editions is through me personally or on my website as advanced orders or through a pledge of $25 or more on my next Kickstarter Crowdfunding campaign set to launch later this month.