I figured that I should add a post this week to explain how I envision my blog evolving over the next few months and what structure will be set in place.

My intention for this is to inform my readers, and potential readers, so they are better able to plan when they visit here and what to expect when they do.

The Foundation

The basic reason behind adding a blog to my website has been to have a place where I can give news around CC and Mystic, offer insights about creativity, inform about my work and answer questions from those following Mystic and its story.

In short, I like writing and talking about the things I love like photography, creativity and the directions these have taken me in and why.

Because the topics will potentially be quite varied I felt it important to create a plan with a basic structure to keep flow and ease of reading present.

The Structure

I am told that having regular posts on specific days aids the reader and increases readership rates. To this end I have chosen to post regularly on Mondays and Thursdays. Additional posts by me, or by potential guest bloggers in the future, could happen other days of the week. Today is a good example: I felt something needed to be shared and I did.

Mondays I will provide articles revolving more around creativity, intuition, positive thinking and personal growth. Many of these will reflect and complement what I bring to the table as a coach and teacher. This will connect back to Creativity Coach for the most part but will also often branch into Mystic related topics.
Thursdays will be Mystic days. The posts on Thursdays will have more of a slant towards the Mystic project as a whole and behind the scenes stories. This does not mean to say that these articles with be devoid of creativity talk or coaching elements because I don’t think I can really ever separate creativity or teaching from anything I put out. They are both a part of everything I do.

The Extras

News and announcements will happen as they arise but I will try to have these be Friday happenings. If something needs attention readers will know just by when it was posted that it is newsworthy in one manner or another.

So this leaves Tuesdays and Wednesdays for options.

Since Wednesdays I will be posting a weekly reading on the Facebook Empowerment Cards page, it may be a natural extension to just archive these on the blog Wednesdays
For now I think Tuesdays will be reserved for when guest bloggers are contributing.

Now that I have these thoughts down I feel freed up to add my creativity as I have a direction and in fact an informal contract with my readers to guide my direction and plan my schedule around. I may be creative but I love having guidelines and timelines in place.