Welcome to colettemesdag.com and this blog

My name is Colette Mesdag and I am a photographic artist, author, speaker, intuitive and guide.

As we come to the end of 2013 I have decided to compile the various aspects of what I do into one site and allow for more simple access for my clients and fans.

In the past I have had several web sites and areas on line where I delivered blogs and showcased my art and photography services. This worked for a while as I mainly did commissioned portraits and wedding s and communicating this was simple. These days however, with the addition of coaching and speaking as well as an exciting new product called Mystic Bliss which is the result of one of my creative projects, I began to note that this system lacked consistency and was becoming cumbersome to maintain. This led me to the decision to gather my creative energy into one comprehensive site.

On this site you will be granted easy access to information and products or services revolving around Mystic, Your Creativity Coach as well as my abstract photography art.

Most of you visiting here early on will already be familiar with one aspect or another of what you will find on this site. However I think you will still be pleasantly surprised but what you did not know you did not know about me.

For example, did you know that this past summer I assisted a number of clients in creative exploration and was interviewed about the value of accessing the creative process even if you are in the corporate world?

What about Mystic? It will come as a surprise to some of my newer followers that some of the images for Mystic Bliss came from an archive of images that was started 15 years ago.

Additionally, many of you will not yet be aware that I have been involved in the fine art community in Barrie both as a curator and exhibiting artist.

I invite you to explore the various aspects of the site as it grows and especially pass on this link if you feel it will benefit others.

I am grateful to all the people who have contributed to these upgrades and promoting of Mystic Bliss and Creativity Coach. Huge shout out to Luke Crocker, Matthew Ramos and Christian Leblanc for their time and expertise.