“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.” Joseph Campbell

I do not recall when I first heard or read this quote by Joseph Campbell but I do know that it has deeply impacted my life and choices over many years.

Joseph John Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987) was an American mythologist, writer and lecturer. He was best known for his work in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His work is vast, covering many aspects of the human experience through books and appearances.

A couple of his books sit on my shelf and, truth be known, I have never managed to read either one cover to cover… they are deep and quite complex at times whoever I have read enough from both to know that his philosophy resonates deeply with my understanding of what is important in life.

It may seem strange to base important life choices on a quote but it is indeed what I have done on many instances. If, at a crossroad in my life, I have reached deep enough before making a final decision and used that inner knowing or feeling as my guide I have found the choice to be true and good. At those decisive moments I have heard a voice in my head speak this quote and I have known the value of these words.

By comparison, I have found that discomfort, doubt and fear have ruled the process and duration of the situation in those times were I either ignored, by choice or by force or circumstance, that same deep knowing when choices needed to be made.

Most of you know that Mystic has been around in one shape or another for quite a while. Part of the reason it has been slow in coming to full fruition has been those times I have ignore that little voice I have come to understand as my guide to my bliss. If hurdles and barriers have had to be faced during the process it has been due to the fact that I was either trying to force my destiny or control it because I lacked the full knowledge and understanding of why I have been continuously drawn to this work even after long absences. This project and I are connected by a stronger thread than simply a desire for me to create. These images and words are part of who I am and part of the journey I have travelled to get to this point. I know by the little voice I have now identified that it is time for me to share them.

This is why I am so confident about the timing, situation, actions, writing and all that revolves around the Empowerment Cards now available to pre-order through the Kickstarter campaign. It simply FEELS right. I am close to reaching the fulfilment of a great goal to which my Bliss has led me. And THAT is why the doors will open even if I only see walls still. The walls are the illusion that fear has placed. The doors are there… I must simply trust and allow. The story will be told. The cards will be printed. I feel it. Thank you for being a part of the gift that is Mystic… all of you.