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Frequently Asked
How do I choose which deck of the Mystic series is best for me?
There are several ways to select the best card for your personal use or use in your coaching and holistic practice. Those of you who have yet to experience a full reading with me may not yet have established a favorite deck for appearance and energy. There is a blog series coming soon with tips for this process however I say trust your intuition first and foremost. However, if you are at the point in your journey that has you hesitating in that process as you have yet to fine-tune your intuition, I can provide you with a quick intuitive scan through 3 or 4 questions to guide you towards the right choice. That said… sometimes the right choice to get you started on this path may not even be one of my decks. If that is the case I have several I can recommend.
Do you have a less expensive option than the premium hand made deck sets?
I am currently taking orders for decks from an exclusive press run happening fall 2018. These decks will be printed and ready to deliver in time for holiday gift giving. The lower price point that this will allow for all 3 decks to be packaged in a gift set and multiples of your favorite deck to be ordered to share with friends and loved one you know will benefit from them. Preorder these today. Avoid disappointment.
How long is a full card reading and empowerment session?
A full card reading session, in office or via Skype/Zoom, is about 45 minutes in duration
Can I record my card reading and empowerment session?
I encourage my clients to record the reading and, in fact, I suggest they do. Furthermore, I suggest that you capture a photo of the card spread at the end of an in-office session to have a visual to go with your recording. This also serves as a trigger for me if you take advantage of the 1 free email post session inquiry within 2 weeks following your reading.
If doing the reading via Spype or Zoom, how do I get a photo of the final card spread ?
Clients who opt to doing their reading online will get a photograph of the final spread sent to them via email.
Online Empowerment Resources

Exclusive Print Run
Stop the presses! Mystic Empowerment cards are finally going to the printers to allow for a wider distribution at a competitive price point.
This will be an exclusive press run, to be delivered early December therefore in time for holiday gift giving, so order your set or sets today! Deadline to preorder at the early bird price is 5pm November 1st 2018.
Weekly Card Reading Videos
Power up each week with a mini card message video. These videos are posted Sunday mornings and using 3 cards, one from each of the current decks in the Mystic series.
Each week, a new subject or theme is selected from the request provided by our subscribers to become the focus of the reading. Watch a new video each week or select the theme that calls to you from the archives to be inspired and empowered when needed.

Working the Artist Way
Beginning Saturday, November 3rd, 2018, this 13 sessions bi-monthly series will take a select group of participants through the Artist Way Book by Julia Cameron. Chalk full of exercises, interactive projects and one on one assistance as well as group discussions, this series is designed to assist in unlocking creative potential and confidence in the participants. Limited to 10 people.
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