by Colette Mesdag | Apr 13, 2015 | Weekly Card Readings
This week begins with a message that sets us up for positive change if we are open to it. I am encouraged by the supportive message to relax and allow in the first card as well as the limitless aspect of card #2. Change is not something to fear but something to...
by Colette Mesdag | Apr 9, 2015 | Blog
Seems to me that there is a lot of talk about the power of attraction out there and how that law works. I find that at times I still feel surprised and overwhelmed when things happen the way I envision them and need to step back from the sheer feeling of empowerment...
by Colette Mesdag | Apr 8, 2015 | Blog
Funny how after so long I finally GET IT. If it is your thoughts and ideas and what you know that keeps you in the poverty loop then it is obvious that these same things can take you out. Applying some of the techniques taught to me by Max SimonĀ I have learned...
by Colette Mesdag | Jan 6, 2014 | Blog
Through the process of creating the Mystic series I have had the pleasure of discovering my own value and worth. There is a delicate balance between drive and obsession. Each has merit in their own way yet drive is the preferred energy for me. The times I found myself...
by Colette Mesdag | Jan 1, 2014 | Weekly Card Readings
Welcome to the weekly general card reading feature being introduced today. Card 1 – I am Wonder ~ Through Innocent Eyes All is New ~ I felt this card very fitting in light of the brand new year. We currently have a clean slate on which to write a new story, one...