Many people today are stumbling along doing instead of being.
What they are seeking and wish to connect with, is an alignment with the sense of security and belonging they knew as children when everything held wonder and value.
Spirit is striving to communicate with you. You only need to give yourself permission to pause and pay attention.
Pulled cards hold clues and answers that you can apply to your life and an intuitive reader like myself has the ability to decipher the symbols and energies in the words and images during a full card reading, mini check-ins or answering single questions in writing.
A card reading with me is a gentle and encouraging process. During an Empowerment card reading, cards are selected and set before you to present your message. The number of cards used in a session and its actual duration varies depending on the depth of the question or need for answers and what Source wishes to communicate.
There are several ways to receive a card message or reading from me. In person, through Mystic Whispers or the card of the month membership or even email. Visit my Youtube channel for free weekly messages to get your growth process started.
In Person at the office or via Skype
These are full readings and empowerment sessions using all 3 of the Mystic series decks for the complete picture. An in-person, or Skype, card reading consist of an 8 – 12 card in a spread and last roughly 45 minutes for $65/session
Save money for your personal readings or for gift giving by purchasing our 3 and 7 reading packages
Ask us about our client loyalty program card
Arrangement for these card readings can be made by selecting a convenient time for you on our booking calendar. You will receive a confirmation email and all scheduling conflicts will be managed also by email. Once final arrangements to when you wish to have your reading are made you will receive a confirmation of the appointment and payment instructions. All readings are paid in advance or on arrival for your session by special arrangement.
Emailed readings
Emailed readings include the response to a single question posed and include a photo of your 3-5 card spread, a typed description, and response to your inquiry sent to you via email for only $40.00/question
allow 2 to 3 business days for email message response once confirmation of payment is sent
The Card of the Month
This is a membership style package for which you register for 12 months. A single card message is typed up for each member using simply intuition and what card is pulled for you for this purpose from a fishbowl.
$165/12 messages
Finish off 2018 in full empowerment with a special deal on October, November and December messages for $ 33.00 *
*Limited time only/ Offer expires October 10th, 2018
Join Today. Membership for this group is limited to 50 members and already several seats are filled even into 2019.
Try it for 1 month $25 / If this is for you… apply the trial fee to your full 1 year membership fee.
Regular hours *
10 – 6 Monday to Friday ( by appointment or by chance)
12 – 4 Saturday (by appointment recommended)
Sunday by appointment only
*hours are subject to change/please check the calendar for availability